
08. Vic - L'Estany

This stage began in the Plaza Mayor de Vic, we go side the Mèder river. Find an ice well, we can stop to visit.

We arrived at the village of Sentfores (or la Guixa) added to Vic. This section there are two no-drinking water sources. Not find sources in the whole way.

We continue to Santa Eulalia de Riuprimer, we did not enter. The road at all times have a slight rise, and from here get sharp increases, followed by 'camí ramader' until l'Estany, there are a hard descent.

This section has 62 caches (1 regular with geoStamp, 5 smalls, 51 micros and 5 others). The section is 21 Km and you can be done on foot and by bicycle to Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer and the rest of the way also driving.