
07. L'Esquirol - Vic

This is a section easy to walk and bike despite the constant ups and downs. Most of the stage is set in the woods near roads that serve as reference. You will access to Vic from Bruguer bridge, full of history. It couldn't be more real.

This section has 41 caches (1 regular with geoStamp, 2 smalls, 33 micros and 5 other). The section is 18 Km and you can be done on foot, by bicycle or by car.

This section passed through three major populations: l'Esquirol, Roda de Ter and Vic, these have different services; bars, restaurants, accommodations, fountains...

Should be taken into account, because the stretches in between will not find any source or bar.

Of interest are the landscapes of Riera de les Gorgues, just before arriving at Roda de Ter.